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What is CBT & DBT, and how can it help?
Thoughts feelings and behaviours are all linked, so if I think upsetting thoughts, then I will feel upset and then I am likely to do something that will increase the thoughts and strengthen the feelings. Its a vicious cycle.
We can break this vicious cycle by changing the way we think and act, and learning how to cope with the distress and emotions that surface.
By making links between what we do- think- and feel.
CBT can help us make changes in the way we think (“Cognitive”) and the way we act (“Behaviour)”. Making changes in how we think and what we focus on, will affect what you do and feel, and changing what we do to cope (DBT) affects the way we think and feel. Making these changes then can help us feel calmer, happier and more positive.

It is helpful to discuss the past and understand how our pasts have influenced our lives and how the problems have come about, CBT and DBT focuses on looking for ways to improve your mental wellbeing and making positive steps for the future.
CBT says that it’s not the event that causes our emotions, but how we interpret it – what we think or what meaning we give that event or situation.
Thoughts feelings and behaviours are all linked, so if I think upsetting thoughts, then I will feel upset and then I am likely to do something that will increase the thoughts and strengthen the feelings. Its a vicious cycle.
We can break this vicious cycle by changing the way we think and act, and learning how to cope with the distress and emotions that surface.
By making links between what we do- think- and feel.
CBT can help us make changes in the way we think (“Cognitive”) and the way we act (“Behaviour)”. Making changes in how we think and what we focus on, will affect what you do and feel, and changing what we do to cope (DBT) affects the way we think and feel. Making these changes then can help us feel calmer, happier and more positive.
It is helpful to discuss the past and understand how our pasts have influenced our lives and how the problems have come about, CBT and DBT focuses on looking for ways to improve your mental wellbeing and making positive steps for the future.
CBT says that it’s not the event that causes our emotions, but how we interpret it – what we think or what meaning we give that event or situation.
For instance, if someone you know passes you in the street without acknowledging you, you can interpret it several ways. You might think they don’t want to know you because no-one likes you (which may lead you to feel depressed), your thought may be that you hope they don’t stop to talk to you because you won’t know what to say and you’ll make a fool of yourself (anxiety), you may think she’s deliberately snotty (leading to anger). A healthier response might be that she didn’t see you.
Another example maybe someone who’s depressed might wake up in the morning and think: “This is going to be another awful day”, “I’m going to mess up again”, or “What’s the point of anything?”, which will make them feel even more depressed (feelings), and may prompt them to pull the covers over their head and stay in bed (behaviours). This will likely increase their negative thoughts, which in turn will increase the feelings of depression, and make them even less likely to get out of bed. A vicious cycle is the result – continuing to think and act the same way will help maintain our depression or anxiety.
We will look at your thought processes, how those thoughts make you feel and behave, we look at past and present experiences
that may have contributed to thinking and feeling that way (learnt behaviour) and learn coping skills to reduce your distress and how to regulate your emotions.